

This is where your songs are polished sonically and is ready for playback on any given devices. This give your songs the ability to compete with other music whether it`s getting a record deal or playing on the radio  locally or internationally. This also helps the CD to have a balance volume level across all the tracks so you wont have to be turning up or down the stereo in the car or in the living room.


  • Single Track $80.00
  • Two Single Tracks $120.00
  • Ten Track Package $600.00
  • Fifteen Track package deal $900.00          
  • For a single track mastering your track should be finished within 24 hours.
  • For 2 single tracks mastering your tracks should be finished within 24 hours.
  • For ten track mastering your tracks should be finished with 3 days
  • For Fifteen track mastering your tracks should be finished within 4 to 5 days
Please make make a payment below for my services.Thank you. Enter in the amount below:$